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Wednesday 29 May 2013

You are limitless

No better time than Winter to start exercising. If you want that great beach body closer to the Summer holidays, then you have to start now! If you are like me, you would start analyzing how long it takes to achieve your goals, how hard it is and what you have to give up to have enough time to get where you want to. 

So, let's take it slowly. Firstly: your goal. You want to lose some weight. 5kg, 10kg, 40kg, it doesn't really matter how much as long as you realize that you have to do it. Secondly: the work you have to put in. I won't lie. It is hard work and you have to kick your arse even before you see any results. Visualize your dream body; wouldn't be nice to get it? My advise as a Personal Trainer is to remind yourself everytime you feel weak that you are doing it for you only. Nobody lives your life and nobody has the right to push you, not even your lover. Only you can to push yourself. The good news is that there are no limits when it's about you. You can do things you never thought you can! And let's be honest, it is fun to go beyond boundaries. Risky, adventurous and super fun! 

Thirdly, the time issue. We live in such a stressful and fast era. It's 21st century and an hour seems a second...when you don't prioritize. How many times have you skipped your gym sessions just because you were too busy doing something else?...Like a cuppa here, another one there, a few minutes listening to a goss, another few flicking through a useless girlie magazine....Add all these minutes together and here it is the hour you missed at the gym today...and maybe tomorrow. Pull yourself together. Everybody has an hour a day when it is about doing something for yourself. Let's be fully serious: your gym time is your time only. There are no children asking you to do something for them, no partner demanding attention, no work mates or bosses asking you to perform more professional. It s only you, your thoughts, your music, your goals. And I would remind you if you forgot already. You are limitless. You can achieve whatever you focus on! I would tell you what I always repeated to my children : dream big, start your journey and never stop. 

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