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Thursday 30 May 2013

Fitness starts in your head

We were made to keep moving. The desire to be better, faster, leaner was implemented in our heads ever since humanity appeared on this planet. There is no human who can affirm that has invented fitness. Fitness was a reality centuries back when we were just hunters and gatherers.  Fitness is in our genes. 

At the beginning of life on Earth, humans exercised to survive. And what bodies they had! Just have a look at the Spartans and their exercise routines. Us, trainers, are still inspired by Spartans "bootcamps" and our desire is to help you, our clients, to look at least as an average Spartan. Once again what gorgeous bodies, what speed and what strength!

The medical/ chemical industry cheats us every year by throwing on the market a new magical pill; one that can make us be leaner, stronger, faster, better! The advertising industry stays behind every pill created; a supermodel or a famous socialite "borrows" her/ his look to prove that the new pill is something that has never been invented before. The bees knees! Once the illusion created, people buy more and more of the new pill and, before they realize that it doesn't work more than the one invented a year before, another miraculous pill is advertised by social media. If I would have only one penny for every slimming pill that I have seen during my years as a Personal Trainer, I would be a multi multi multi millionaire. But I am not!

Don't let yourself lied by overnight fitness. There is no pill and no three minutes a day workouts that can make you leaner or fitter. There is no machine that can give you a six pack in just few minutes a day. Abs are made in the kitchen! There is no cheating when it's about fitness. Fitness is no sophisticated thing. Remember that we are moving beings and at the end of the day fitness starts in our heads. If you want to make a change in your life, if you want to live better, move easier, look your best, then follow the Spartan's example. Exercise smart, don't under do it, don't overdo it. Just do it! Eat smart, dream to be fit and go for it.

 I truly believe that everybody can be as fit as it can be. There is no fitness standards. I also believe that fitness is a way of life. I wasn't be in this business if I would have a doubt. As a trainer, I look up to everybody who choses the  fitness path, especially these days when it is so convenient to live in mediocrity. These people are my inspiration in being a better trainer. 

What if there is no tomorrow? Chose to be fit today and have lots of fun.

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