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Friday 21 June 2013

No more glory, please!

I like Facebook. Really do. I have a business page I share with you, guys, and a personal one, where I live my life with almost 1000 friends. I know them all, I care about them and I love reading their posts. I laugh and play a lot on my page. At the end of the day, it is mine and it represents me only. Today, I read a post from Nikita, one of my girlie-sweetie-missy clients I started training just a couple of weeks back. She posted to her friends that it is because of me that she gained back her confidence. Nikita is a sweetheart, a fighter and a winner. She’s been through so much even if she is only in her early 20s. I love Nikita and I adore her babies. She will go so far, this girl! Her post made me think about what I would have become without all these wonderful people like Nikita.  Kiita, this is for you, girlie! :)

When I was younger, I had doubts that everything happens for a reason. I didn’t want to stop playing tennis and I didn’t understand for a very long time why I had to injure myself. I thought that I was a good human being and that good people deserve good things. While on court, I had my life planed in details. I knew exactly how long I would play, how many games I would win (every each of them!) and how much money I would have in my account at the end of my career. Ten minutes into a game,  I looked to my left just because something really shinny grabbed my attention. Then I stepped funny and…my planed future became just a memory.  For months I was so angry with God; actually he was my worst enemy back then!  Then I realized that I have to move on because my plan A is gone and that I would have to start focusing on plan B and even make up a plan C if something goes wrong. I knew training by heart, every bits of it, so I started training others….while studying Philosophy and Medical Anthropology. That was the best time of my life and that was the time when I realised that everything really happens for a reason. I am a better trainer than I was a player. I trained myself and I can train others with my eyes closed because I know what my clients go through. I’ve been there. If they feel down, I know the feeling; I had it for so many times. I know what success means; I had it myself. 

I am wiser now and I realise that if I hadn’t injured myself, my life would have been much different. Yes, I would have had more glory and fame, but who cares about that? I am wiser for sure because I know that there is no difference between “forgive” and “forget”.  At least not for me. I met so many people I love and care about just because for one second only I looked to my left. All my friends and clients mean much more to me than all the glory in the world and I cannot be grateful enough that my knee snapped to pieces when something shinny disturbed my game. :)

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