There is nothing more amazing than a day off. And when I mean off...I really mean it. A day when the only sound you may hear is the one of your own voice. Or maybe the music you like, the goss girlie movies only you can appreciate. Now, nothing to be desperate about if you don't have the privilege of 24 hours for yourself. An afternoon alone if fine as well. This is what I had today: a working class girlie in the morning, a nothing to do time after lunch.
So what does a blondie do when she is left on her own? So simple. Firstly, she calls all her chicks and gets informed. Scientia potentia est. You know what I mean. Knowledge is power or, in my own language, keep in touch with all the goss if you want to be part of your girlie crew. Otherwise, your garls will declare you old fashioned and you will become part of their past and this is something I cannot live with. So I rang all my chicks, one after another, and I realised how much I missed in the last few weeks. First of all, Mandy almost left her husband. Wait a sec. Mandy is not one of my girlies and she cannot dream to become one. So she was about to leave the bastard because he worked a lot. Much too much, said the blondie on the phone. So he worked a lot and Mandy was bored of partying on her own. I understand that. I really do. Mandy is not blonde. A blonde would never get enough of her own company. But to keep her on his side, the man sent Mandy to a nice holiday in Hawai.
Then Amelia, again no chance of becoming part of the crew, got a new job. She now works one full day a week. Finally! So 8 hours a week...just for fun and for some extra pocket cash...coins by the way comparing to what her man lends her every week. Cos the girl has to buy something nice to make her life more interesting, doesn't she? Have I forget to tell you that she now works for her guy as a PA? Now I expect you to tell me what sort of assistant sweats a day a week for her boss and what happens if she, the extraordinary, calls in sick...her own man? You know.... period trouble that her dude would know about anyway.....
Then Wendy went through hell and back after her botox. Apparently she almost got depressed because she didn't look 20 years younger as she expected. I don't know Wendy, I heard about her today for the first time, but I sympathise with her. My girlie on the phone, however, said that Wendy would need another at least 2 years of treatments to create the illusion of a teenager...which she is not anymore by the way. But she can hope, nobody died of dreaming...just yet. Again I forgot to tell you the important stuff that is that her lovely man is decided to pay as much as it takes to make her lady happy...and younger if this is what she wants.
I listened to all my girlies and their goss' today and, as much as I wished, I couldn't understand where and most important how the ladies they talked about found those generous halves. Who are these men by the way and how on earth they understand better women than we women do? I was embarrassed to call back my blondes and enquire about that, so I made my own opinion. I realised a way back that the truth is what one wants to believe in. At least this is my truth! So i started analysing and I even wrote down some of my results. Now this is not the naked truth. I don't write things anymore...nobody does that. I type on my little girlie IPad. But back on the subject, all these men work hard and have no time for anything else. Then they all have their own businesses where their companions would be able to waste an hour or two...working or kind of doing that...or doing something else. Then they are not selfish at all. They want their ladies' sublime happiness because they don't like cheap take-a-ways...cos there is no chance of getting a nice cooked dinner. Remember that these ladies are too busy improving their own appearance and no time for housework. But most important, the guys I was mentioning are generous enough to spend as much as is needed on theirs ladies. I thought that I had the answer. If a man is self employed, selfless and generous, we, girlies, would live the life of goddesses. So which of those guys who send me personal messages on Facebook meet these standards? The guy who calls me "sweet angel" or the one who said he almost had a heart attack when he seen my photo? Actually he said that his heart stopped for a second and I am so grateful to his guardian angel who was around to resuscitate him. Or maybe the guy who emailed that he wants to know me better before marriage. Maybe he talks about his wedding with someone else which would sound like an adultery...I don't know. I am blonde, too blonde perhaps, but I understand that none of these Facebook fans would be like Mandy's man...or Amelia's one...or Wendy's one.
I was still searching for answers, when my beloved IPhone rang. One of my girlie friends I was just talking to a few hours back. The one who told me about Mandy. She forgot to tell me that her man is so generous because he has an affair everybody knows about and doesn't want his woman to find he is generous and understanding and goes the extra mile to make Mandy happy. Now if everybody knows, maybe Mandy does as well, but she wouldn't compromise her princess lifestyle for a small detail. Then the chick who told me about Amelia rang. Apparently, her man has a few flings here and there Amelia should never find out about. So he is generous too! I called my friend who told me Wendy's story. I couldn't stop myself! And yes, Wendy's partner steps outside the boundaries...quite often.
Therefore, if you are a nice girlie in search for a man who can give you and only you the world, think twice. You may have a first doubt if he works a lot. Second one if he is self employed. If he employs you for a little bit of work just enough to keep your social life running, you have a problem. Now prepare for a battle if he is generous. So what's left then, you may ask? A nice guy, my girlies! That's what you need, one that makes you happy without emptying his bank account just for your outlook. An honest, awesome guy! Otherwise you may live in Mandy's shoes...or Amelia's.... or Wendy's. Wait. I forgot to tell you that the awesome guy you dream about should be....self employed... generous and.... altruistic! Otherwise why on heck would you waste so much energy in searching for him? If I done the same? No, I didn't. Because I didn't search. Heaven searched for me! :)
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