There are two sides to me, you know that. One is my work. I love every second of it. I could train day and night, no rest. I know every little aspect of fitness, I've done it for so long and I could actually train in my sleep. I don't do mistakes in my professional life. I've done them all at the beginning of my career. Not anymore. I have champs all around the world, some bodybuilders, other gymnasts, dancers, fitness models, athletes. I pushed them to gold because that's the way I am. I dream huge!
And there is my normal life outside of training. I kind of suck here, but not so much as I used to...but still. You don't have to remind me that! I may know how to bring an average guy to a gold medal with no effort, but I don't know how simple things function. Like using a hammer. Don't even ask about changing a tyre. I needed time, long time by the way, learning the difference between petrol and gas and I'm still not sure what's what. So please don't remind me about my blondness because I live with it every day! Tricia, who's my bester bestest, should know that....but she doesn't. She has that cruel passion of taking photos anytime I make a mistake. And as I do many, she takes photos all the time. Like today when we had lunch together. I love having her around, you know....But today she took photos again and uploaded them on Facebook. I love Facebook, you know how much I love it. Thanks Mark Zuckerberg for creating it. I could spend hours chatting in your virtual world! So, yes, Tricia took today, as I've said, photos of me being blonde again. Me trying, really hard by the way, to unscrew those salt and pepper thinghies. I don't even know how they are called. How should I know how to use them? I was just about to use a screwdriver, when Tricia got bored watching me struggling for minutes. So she unscrew them in a bit....not before she took the photos of a silly blondie. Thanks for that, chick. But she hasn't stopped here. Once one of the photos was on Facebook, she even warned people about me. Not people- people. A very important he. The thing is , because he is so important, he knows how blonde I am. No huge revelation here!
So here is my plan for the future. I will be the one taking photos of my silly blonde moments even before my girlie Tricia would. I will even upload them on Facebook and I will post nasty comments about myself doing things my way. I could even comment on my own comments....and tag myself! I'd be the first one doing that and it would make me look even blonder than I am! And believe when I'm saying that there is no blonder than me! :)
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