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Sunday, 4 May 2014

Good bye

Some people live on food, water and  air; others for fun, career and what money can buy. I am free from the matrix. I love people, live for people and  breathe in people. Every memory I have is related to people I love. I couldn't live without their smiles. To be honest, I exist to make people smile. We all have destinies. I never gave my power away to the inner critic, so understood long time ago that my purpose is being there for my peeps. I also understood that there is no such a thing as constructive criticism. Therefore I lifted up people....and their smiles lifted me up too! It was, I guess, just my decision to be focused only on the positive side. 

I said so many times that I am so blonde. And I am! Also said that I suck in my personal life....but I am great in my work. I work with and for people and that makes me proud...of their achievements, hard work, friendship. Proud of everything my peeps put in our professional/ friendship relationship. I owe them my life really!

And because I value people, I am coming out clear and clean and have to say that my mission here, in the sunny Whangaparaoa, is accomplished! I've done as much as the universe allowed me to. It is that time when other people need me; others in a totally different region. Sunny too tough! A brand new studio there expects brand new people and I just hope that I would be able to do for them at least as much as I've done for you, guys! New classes, new Personal Training sessions, new ballet people! I just hope you would remember me as the crazy, blonde dancer who made you laugh and pushed you to break limits, step beyond boundaries and live your dreams to the max. A blondie who loves pink...and her puppy Hendrix! Brigitte, your Personal Trainer logs off today... while logging in another area! Brigitte, your friend, doesn't go tough! I will always stay in contact with you, my peeps, because you touched my life....and I hope I touched yours. 

A huge thanks to my Abs class girlies and friends Jenny, Jacinda and Sharon; my Sculpt Step and Pump babes Deanna, Jasmine and Louise; all my bootcampers and then clients (now friends!); super dear to my heart Gendi and Karissa; my dear Kerry; sweetheart Tracy; awesome Stacey; beautiful Yo-arna; dearest friend Valerie; cool mates Barbara and Dion; my angels Marie and Wayne; my sweety pies Kiita, and Sammi; my amazing friend Heike; my wise Darren; beautiful souls Patty, Bevan and Hadley; great buddies Dianne, Peter and Ashley; my role models Andy and Sandy; my beautiful Liz;  my kind of chicks Margo, Trudy, Lindy, Si, Hayley, Natalee, Geraldine, Lynley, Chelsea, Anita, Raewyn, Sally and Gail; my awesome lady Audrey and her great Morell; my lovely Susan and Bron;  the chicks who always made me laugh Sarah, Alison and Meryl; my dearest Jill and Kate; my almost counsellors Helen and Bernard;  my amazing Cathy, Sue and Nik. There are hundreds more and if you don't see your names here it doesn't mean I forgot you. I will always keep you in my heart! Love to my girlies Debbie, Carmena, Rachel and Nane! Thinking of you my yoga for preggies Abby, Emma, Theresa and so many more! All  my love to my ballet girlies Sammi (I love you for ever!!!!), Bella and Niki. Go for your dreams, girlies! Sending love to all my sports massage and strapping peeps, great guys, great athletes Bob, Ross, Bill, Ann, John, Bruce, Jayden, Alex and Jason. I am so proud I met you all! 

Yours in fitness, :)

Click here to email Brigitte