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Sunday, 21 July 2013

My Bucket list

Everybody has a Bucket list….except me. That’s quite a shame because I deserve what everybody else has. Do I? I haven’t quite decided on that, but today I want a Bucket list more than ever. So here I am,  3am on this great Sunday morning, cuddled up with Well. I told you about him. Well is my laptop, who understands me so…well.  He is a he, always by my side, always willing to help by reading my emails and typing what I dictate. Perfect relationship! But today even Well kept a silent moment when I told him that I’m going to design, plan and put in writing the list everybody already has and I don’t.  Well, this is Well’s problem, not mine.

 Back to my Bucket list, please! I never had breakfast in bed and I sort of want that. Nobody thought it’s important for me, I guess, but yes, I decided it is. So my number one wish is up in the air. Then, I don’t like heights and I have to overcome this fear of mine. So I want to climb somewhere very high and prove to myself that I am able to look down to the world. I usually look up to people, but it would be different the day I’d be on top of the world.Then, my number three: I want to get in love, at least once in my life. What’s wrong with that? I already have three wishes on my list and I am sort of stuck now. Actually, all I want for the rest of my life is to be…normal, what ever that means. I just want to be able to act like others, be like the rest of the world, be less intense, less full on, have more fun…be normal really. This being said, let’s jump to pure action. …not before I somehow figure out what normal actually is. Normality? Hhhmmm…. everything I’m not? Not really; there are some good old fashioned sides to me, you know.  So here is my plan. I have to change; it’s not working like this anymore. Have to? Want to? I haven't decided on that either. Heart off my sleeve from now on, no analytical thinking, no  weird food combinations, no urge to label things, people and feelings, no intensity, no extreme passion to put dreams into practice and no over thinking. And then I may fit in the standards somebody smarter than me created. I'm not ready to throw away my 100 dresses (actually more like 200), nor my make up or my headbands. You don't even imagine how much work I put in getting them! Also not ready to wear jeans and boots and a normal ponytail only to please the world! But I'm willing to change pink to black for example. Thanks to the guy who suggested that!

So new me starting today. Or not? Let me just think about it over the weekend. I may decide that my Bucket list is good enough with only three wishes on it…or I may change. You know that I always read your emails, guys, and I respond to each of you, even if I have to send out over a hundred emails a day. So this is your challenge for the weekend: email me what do you want from me. Because I may just be ready for a change...or not! Have a great weekend, peeps! :)

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